The Latest Technologies Used by Clinical Research Organizations to Manage Patient Data

Clinical research organizations (CROs) are increasingly relying on technology to manage patient data during clinical trials. Clinical Data Management Systems (CDMS) are the most commonly used software tools for this purpose. These systems are either commercial or open source, and they offer a range of features to help organizations manage their data. The most popular commercial CDMS include ORACLE CLINICAL, CLINTRIAL, MACRO, RAVE and eClinical Suite.

Open source tools such as OpenClinica, OpenCDMS, TrialDB and PhosCo are also available. In addition to these software tools, Encapsia is an agile software solution designed to support decentralized clinical trials. It allows sites and organizations to create their own hybrid protocols based on regulatory, organizational and study requirements. It also captures clinical data and metadata online and offline, regardless of the type of data collection process.

All data is synchronized with the system in real time, which eliminates delays in reviewing patient information and updating home visits. Clinical trial management software (CTMS) is another technology that helps improve clinical trials by capturing data. It simplifies work related to clinical trial management by providing a central source for all organizational data, tracking information and reports. This reduces the amount of effort, time and resources needed to manage a test.

CTMS also allows for timely reporting and timely data export if it is kept up to date as the study progresses. Other technologies that help improve clinical trials include the Internet of Things, virtual reality, machine learning, and smart sensors. Wearable devices and other types of sensors can also be useful as tools for assessing compliance with a study protocol. The Society for Clinical Data Management (SCDM) publishes the guidelines for good clinical data management practices (GCDMP), which provides standards of good practice within the CDM. The Research Manager CTMS is designed to serve all types of organizations within the life sciences sector.

It offers a suite of flexible clinical trial technologies for traditional, virtual or hybrid clinical trials. This software solution also provides DCT modules for organizations that are still engaging in hybrid clinical trials, as well as for those that have already implemented decentralized research. In conclusion, technology has advanced clinical trials exponentially in recent years, and CROs are increasingly relying on technology to manage patient data during clinical trials. CDMS and CTMS are two of the most commonly used software tools for this purpose, but there are also other technologies such as the Internet of Things, virtual reality, machine learning, and smart sensors that can help improve clinical trials.

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